The visual arts department award is from my third year in highschool. It is given to a student who does the most in the arts and has shown a great exserience and preseverence in the arts. I got the award fro being ina lot of diffrent art classes that year. Also I did two murals one for the state and the other for the school witch is the cermic ciril on the skills page with the falcon in the middle. Even though the award is for a fourth year because I am in early college I got to quallify and win this award.

The art aid award is made so people who help out in the art rooms witch is a class block people can do. It is given to the students who help the most through the art rooms.

Problility and statistics is given to students who get a solid A+ in the class for outstanding performence.

For warm the children it is an event where volinterrs in Upward Bound go to pick and shovelk and help familys get winter gear for the children. I have 48 hours of community service from this alone.

The book of knolege pin is ment for any studenst with a gpa of 3.0-3.5 witch anything above this will result in a scholership letter

Schollership lettyer is for students with a 3.5-4.0 gpa witch I aquired a gpa of 3.8 on my third year.

The deans Honer Award is gfiven to students with a high GPA from college classes witch i got that last semester.